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  • Writer's pictureHuma Naz

How To Save Money On Your Next Grocery Trip!

Learn quick ways to save money on your next grocery run!

"I spent too much on groceries this week" may seem like a familiar phrase for many of us. Whether you are easily tempted by delicious food displays or are typically visiting the grocery store without a plan, sticking to a grocery budget can be challenging. Grocery prices are also on the rise so finding little tips and tricks to save money can be super helpful. Check out some tips I like to use that can help you stick to a better food budget!

Consider purchasing dual purpose items

Do you ever just buy ingredients for a specific recipe then do not know what else to use those leftover ingredients for? This can many times lead to food and money waste. A budget saving idea can be to purchase ingredients you can stretch out in multiple recipes. Pantry staples like dried beans, lentils, brown rice, oats, frozen veggie medleys are a few inexpensive ingredients that have a long shelf life and can be paired with a variety of foods in different recipes.

Search for digital coupons on grocery store apps and websites

Many times, your favorite grocery stores or brands can offer signing up for an email newsletter where they will send special offers and coupons. Grocery stores can also provide mobile apps that highlight items on sale with digital coupons. If you have a grocery store that you typically stick to, signing up for their loyalty program can also be worth it since you may get cash back opportunities or reward points that can help you save money. I also like to take a peek at my local grocery store website for their sales ads and schedule a grocery run on sale days for items on my list.


You can also use my discount codes to save % off snacks bars, pasta sauce, & more! Find the discount codes here

Look out for seasonal produce

Take a peek at your grocery list this week to see if you have any seasonal items on the list.

Purchasing in-season produce can lead to saving some money, better taste quality, and a great way to support local farms. You may have noticed that apples are more abundant and may cost less in the fall or that strawberry prices are more expensive in the winter. Your grocery stores may have to transport food long distances just so certain food is available all year long which can bump up the prices. Buying produce thats's in season in your area can come with a lower cost. What's in season can vary by the region/location you live in. You can check out this general seasonal produce guide to get started.

Celebrate Meatless Mondays or Veggie Wednesdays

Meat-based proteins can come with a higher price compared to veggie protein sources like beans and lentils. By swapping a meat-based dish with a vegetarian meal once or twice a week, you can save money and even reduce your environmental impact. Eating more plant-based food sources has been linked to better blood sugar control, gut health, and heart health too. For example, if you enjoy beef tacos for dinner, swap the meat with canned unsalted black beans. Click here for some delicious plant-forward recipe inspo!

Shop with a plan

Taking a few steps prior to your grocery trip can lead you to save money and time. Grocery stores can be designed in a way to entice customers with their colorful display of food, ads, and food scents to keep you there for longer and to spend money on things you may not need especially if you visit without a plan. First, it can be helpful to check what you already have on hand to avoid double purchasing. I like to take a pantry and fridge inventory at least once a week which also be a great time to do a little clean up/organization. Second, plan out your weekly meals with items you already have and ones you will need to stock up on. This strategy can help you reduce frequent grocery trips, stick to your budget, and lead to efficient weekly meal prepping.

Grab my FREE Digital Grocery and Meal Planner here to get you started with smart grocery planning!

Hungry for more information ? Check out my previous posts below

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